Friday, January 17, 2014

Seeing this struck a cord in me.
Being a junior in high school, you are forced to think about your job and what you want to do for the rest of your life. No pressure.
We are free. I know we are, we are just building mental walls inside of ourselves; we trapped ourselves. We believe we can never demolish this mindset. But we built these walls and thinking patterns, we have the blueprints for tearing it down.
Of course, some people might want a life similar to this. There is nothing wrong with this. The more I think about it... I don't think this is all for me.
Being young, I want to live my life to the fullest and look back and realize the heck of a ride I had. Working in an office everyday, coming home to a suburban neighborhood with screaming kids to attend to, I'm not sure how appealing that sounds.
Of course, I never know what the future will hold for me. Maybe I'd love to have kids, I just want to look at different routes.
I want to analyze my life and follow my dreams. Break barriers. Not live the life I was taught to by society. Why should I do that? We need to enter our lives with passions burning in our hearts. It shouldn't burn out.
One random day, I suddenly realized that I could do whatever I wanted in life. Who says I can't row across the Pacific Ocean? Who says I can't be a firefighter? Who says that I can't explore the world and take pictures for National Geographic? Who says I can't change the world, or be a musician, or be a renowned scientist? No one really, except ourselves. We always think our ways out of things. "I'm not talented enough..." "That's crazy and sounds nearly impossible." Don't look back at your life and say, "what if..." It doesn't matter how old you are, drop everything, and shoot for the life you always dreamed of. If you look at influential people today or in the past, like Mother Theresa, Lindsey Stirling, Roz Savage, etc. they let no one stop them. They were criticized, but they achieved their goals and made history. I hear people excuse themselves by saying that he/she can't do that. They're just not good enough compared to other successful people. What if the successful people thought that to themselves? They would've never have created the influence and success they now have.
Do. Not. Give. Up. Keep fighting for the life you want. No matter the odds, you only have one life so you need to create the best one yet.

"You go ahead and sit back in your comfortable chair and you be the critic, you be the observer, while the brave one gets in the ring and engages and gets bloody and gets dirty and fails over and over and over again, but yet isn’t afraid and isn’t timid and lives life in a bold way."
-Theodore Roosevelt 

Be the brave one, they're the ones who are always remembered. You may be criticized because you're not "normal". But you will have the life to live for, and you will be truly happy.

I really don't know what I want to do with my life, but with this philosophy, I know it'll be exciting and great.
I hope you do the same.

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